

Information technology is creating both new challenges and new horizons for education. We provide comprehensive technology mapping and evaluations. We develop appropriate strategies with our clients. We supply temporary CIO / CTO management personnel. We manage vendors and projects. We guide implementation. We offer technical support and training. And we provide outsourced enterprise management services tailored to the individual needs of our clients.

Prisma Impact Group is committed to ensuring that technology serves the fundamental purposes of higher education as institutions seek to:

  • Incorporate the evolution of the student-centered learning space
  • Address the expectations of technology-literate, consumer-enabled students
  • Understand the role and the future of distributed learning
  • Adapt educational facilities for technology applications
  • Effectively utilize technology in their business enterprise and administrative activities
  • Manage the interface of available resources and evolving technology
  • Recruit, reward and retain skilled information technology professionals
  • Provide adequate technical support and training for faculty, students and staff.

We understand educational issues, the frustrations and the solutions - as administrators, as faculty and as information technology professionals.